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Tropical Experience Travel Services - Tours of the Philippines
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PROJECT 2020: 1 Traveller = 1 Donation to a Student
(2nd Edition)
Donations to support the Young Focus Foundation in Tondo (Manila), to help economically disadvantaged students.

For every single traveller who will book a trip to the Philippines with Tropical Experience between February 1, 2020 and January 31, 2021, we will donate 5 € to the "Young Focus Foundation". Young Focus grants scholarships to indigent students of the communities of Tondo, Manila.
UPDATE - Despite the suspension of international tourism, we were able to collect the needed amount through donations made by our followers and friends on social media!
UPDATE 2 - Thanks to a special anonymous donor, we were able to collect the needed amount for not only 1 student in need, but even 4 full scholarships! This means that this year, a total of 4 college students will be the beneficiaries of our program with all their school expenses covered.
We've collected
96,000 Philippine Pesos
Note: 96,000 Philippine Pesos correspond to around 1660€ and 2000USD
PROJECT COMPLETED - Reporting and official documents
You can find here the Official Receipt issued by Young Focus, verifying the payment of 96,000 Philippine Pesos remitted by Tropical Experience. You'll also find the detailed description of the donations received and expenses involved. Click here to read.
Read the Thank You letter sent by Young Focus Foundation here below! Click on it to enlarge.

Description and Past Projects: 4 Years of Actions for Social Sustainability
In 2017 and 2018 we organized two fundraising campaigns to support Young Focus, a remarkable Foundation that operates in the “Smokey Mountain” area in Tondo, Manila. It's one of the most marginalized areas in the capital of the Philippines.
In 2019, we renewed our committments with a project fully-funded by us: we donated 5 € for each traveller that booked a trip to the Philippines with us. We were able to donate a full scholarship of the value of 24,000 Philippine Pesos, used to help a college student! Read her about the 2019 Project.
In 2020, we renewed the program as specified above, gatherings enough funds for 4 full scholarship of the value of 24,000 Philippine Pesos each.
Click here to read on the reporting of the projects we implemented during 2017, 2018 and 2019. They allowed us to donate - through Young Focus - a 1-year scholarship to an elementary school student (2017) and 2 more to a college students (2018 & 2019).
The official website of Young Focus is